Pool Safety Guide

When it comes to pool safety, there are a few simple things you can do to ensure your pool area is as safe as possible. In this quick guide, we focus on what you can check and correct yourself in about 10 minutes.

Supervision is the most important way you can ensure the safety of everyone in and around your pool.

*Please note this is only a guide and does not substitute for a pool fencing inspection.

  • Make sure your pool or spa has fencing in good condition that has been certified compliant (see here for more information on pool fence compliance).

    • Remove furniture or other items near your pool or spa fence that children can use to climb over the fence.

  • Fences must be:

    • at least 1200mm high (measured from finished ground level to the top of the fence).

    • less than 100mm from the ground at the bottom.

    • built on stable and solid ground.

  • Check children cannot access your pool or spa from any doors and windows in your house.

  • Check your gates and ensure that,

    • The gate opens away from the pool area (you have to pull it open to get in).

    • The gate is self-closing and self-latching from any position without the use of manual force.

You must display a compliant CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) sign that must be attached to the pool fence or barrier, or somewhere near the pool so it is conspicuous and anyone near the pool can see it.

  • The CPR sign must:

    • show how to perform CPR.

    • be easily visible to a person near the pool.

    • be at least 30cm by 30cm.

    • be made of durable and weatherproof material.

    • include a prominent statement explaining how to act in an emergency (e.g. call 000, stay with the injured person, provide first aid).

    • comply with the Australian Resuscitation Council's resuscitation guidelines.

All our stores have CPR signs in stock, so pick up your new CPR sign in-store today.

The Royal Lifesaving Society of Australia has a number of fantastic resources for you to ensure the your family is not only safe around your pool but in all areas where water safety is important.

Download their Home pool safety checklist below

*This checklist does not substitute for a pool inspection and is for educational purposes only. Pool owners should consider getting a professional assessment of their pool’s compliance.

Other important pool safety points.

  • Supervise children at all times around water. If you need to leave the pool or water area, even for a moment, take the child with you.

  • Familiarise children with water by taking them to swimming lessons at the local pool.

  • For spas & older pools with solar suction points, be aware that hair, bathing suit strings, tassels or body parts can become entangled in an improperly covered drain or suction points.

  • Empty paddling pools, baths, basins, sinks and troughs when they are not in use.

  • Alcohol and swimming is never a good idea.

By keeping your pool area safe and supervised, you’ll enjoy your pool much more, we guarantee it! Be safe around your pool this Summer and enjoy creating memories that will last a lifetime!